I entered the Mommyhood on September 8, 2009 at 4:53pm. Little Lucy was 6lb 7oz of beautiful perfection. After a difficult pregnancy fraught with 24 hour morning sickness, gallbladder attacks, and exhaustion, welcoming Lucy into the world that Tuesday afternoon was one of the most amazing moments of my life. Blue eyes, bald head, and a chin like her daddy's, Lucy changed my life from her first cry.
My husband, here affectionately known as Hubs, loves being a daddy. As a campus minister for RUF at one of the local universities, he works about 65 to 70 hours including 4 nights a week and Saturdays most of the time. While Lucy and I would love to have daddy with us more, he serves God wholeheartedly through his ministry to the students, and we willingly sacrifice so that the students will grow and succeed in their faith.
I'm a stay-at-home mom and I love my job. Though the day-to-day responsibilities of this life can get monotonous, I work for kisses and smiles from Hubs and Lucy.
This past Sunday at a baby shower given by some friends for Lucy and me, a dear elderly friend shared her experience as a young housewife fed up with dust, diapers, and dishes. She shared that it was in the monotony of these never ending tasks that she found the faithfulness of God to give her the strength to work for him and not merely for the completion of unending, thankless tasks. It's nice to know that on those days when the diapers keep filling, the dishes pile up, and the coffee table is has traded it's classy dark cherry color for a dull gray that makes me sneeze, that God is still glorified just by my efforts to stay ahead.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
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