Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Lucy has had what the pediatrician calls a "throat virus" (whatever the heck that is) for the last few days. Which basically means her throat hurts, she has been running a fever, and has been incredibly cranky. I've had the same thing, but I don't get the luxury of whining about it and having someone cuddle me. Instead, I have learned the joy of the Mommyhood while sick - act like you aren't actually sick. Keep downing the fluids like you should be, but sleep is unheard of with a sick 6 month old. Instead I've been up the last two nights every 45 minutes with her grumping and wanting to nurse her pain away. Sweet that she wants to cuddle with her mama, frustrating that I feel so rotten but get woken up every time I start to drift off.

She's starting to feel better, although this morning I put my finger in her mouth to discover that she is now starting to cut that first tooth! So it may be a while before she and I get a good night's rest again. In the meantime, I will have to keep an extra supply of hugs and kisses in store for my grumpy little girl.

Friday, March 26, 2010


I hate days that Hubs has to work really late. It seems even more distressing on Fridays. He usually works from home on Fridays. But every 3 months all of the campus ministers from the Northeast get together at a central location (which means that Hubs and his area coordinator have to drive 3 hours, too) to talk about their ministries. Great time for the guys, tough time for the wives.

But today Lucy and I tried to make the best of it. We spent the morning at the grocery store picking up all of the last minute things that Hubs needs for his detox that starts tomorrow, then we came home and I called up a good friend and asked if we could come hang out. She has a little guy, Seth, that's 2 months younger than Lucy. We packed up and went over for the afternoon, Lucy and Seth poked at each others faces and sucked on each others bald heads, and Jenn and I ate sushi, talked Mommy woes, and swapped cute baby stories. It was a good way to break up a long day.

Lucy and I came home, ate our supper (she gulped down a whole container of green beans tonight without complaint!), read our night-night books, and I tucked my beautiful little munchkin into bed. Now I'm getting ready to curl up on the couch in my sweats with a cup of hot cocoa, and watch a little HGTV or something else totally girlie. So maybe lonely days aren't so bad... but Fridays with Daddy are definitely better.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Hubs is starting a detox program on Saturday. The skin ailments that have been plaguing him for the last year that are apparently undiagnosable by any physician, dermatologist, or allergist are growing worse, so we have researched and selected an intense cleanse for his body. Pray for me. He can't eat anything but juice all weekend! Hopefully he won't eat me...

In preparation for the detox, we journeyed to the local bulk grocery store this morning to buy all of the carrots, celery, spinach, apples, etc that we have to juice for him to drink all weekend. I put Lucy in the Bjorn, which she enjoys so much better than her stroller or the basket. But today I learned the dark side of the Bjorn. Lucy pooped, blew out her diaper, got poopy all over her, her clothes, me... Then, as I was changing her (in the car!), I discovered that the spare outfit I've been keeping in the diaper bag doesn't fit her anymore! My little chubby girl is outgrowing everything! After a couple of attempts to squeeze her into it anyway, I gave up, strapped her into her carseat in just a diaper and socks, wrapped her blanket around her, and we drove home. She sang so happily back there all the way home, I think it's her new favorite way to ride! Thank goodness it was in the 60's out there today, though, and she didn't have to do that with snow coming down or something!

Ah... the joys of the Mommyhood.